Stewpot final version release!

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for supporting Stewpot over the years. It's been unreal seeing all the support for it and finally holding a physical copy of it in my hands, and I couldn't have done it without everyone who played Stewpot early on. If you own the game on, you can download all of the final files including the stretch goal PDF right now! Everyone did such a beautiful job on the game, I really hope you all enjoy it!

(If you want to check out Stewpot and you're not a previous owner of the game here, you'll be able to buy it from Evil Hat starting February 10th 2025! This post was mostly meant for people who already own game here but I didn't realize other people would see it! If you're interested in buying the game, ignore the price and buy now button that showed up before, I think I've fixed it now? Hopefully!)


Stewpot EHP0068.pdf 32 MB
2 days ago
Stewpot - Tales from a Fantasy Tavern.epub 21 MB
2 days ago
Stewpot_DDD_12.10.pdf 7.4 MB
2 days ago
Character Sheet_color.pdf 1.7 MB
2 days ago
Tavern Sheet_color.pdf 2 MB
2 days ago
Character Sheet_bw.pdf 1.1 MB
2 days ago
Tavern Sheet_bw.pdf 1.4 MB
2 days ago

Get Stewpot: Tales from a Fantasy Tavern

Buy Now$999.99 USD or more


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Your game sounds amazing- but I’m on disability and get less than $1000 per month. I hope you’re able to make community copies or lower the price.

hi! so since Evil Hat is publishing the game, I'm not selling the game myself anymore. If you clicked the Buy Now button it should take you to a 404 error page, and it isn't available for purchase anywhere on the actual Itch page. Itch doesn't actually have a way of removing a price while leaving a page public. So the 999.99 price is just another way of preventing people from buying it here in case something else doesn't work. Stewpot will be available for purchase through Evil Hat on February 10th I believe, but yeah I don't have anything to do with actually selling the game anymore.

thanks for explaining! That makes lot of sense. Although super weird they not have way for you to remove it. I’ll stay tuned for public release


Would love to buy this game, I'm sure it's worth every penny, but alas I do not have One Thousand Dollars to spare right now. Can I get a community copy?

hi! so since Evil Hat is publishing the game, I'm not selling the game myself anymore. If you clicked the Buy Now button it should take you to a 404 error page, and it isn't available for purchase anywhere on the actual Itch page. Itch doesn't actually have a way of removing a price while leaving a page public. So the 999.99 price is just another way of preventing people from buying it here in case something else doesn't work. Stewpot will be available for purchase through Evil Hat on February 10th I believe, but yeah I don't have anything to do with actually selling the game anymore.


Would it be possible to sell a cheaper version?

hi! so since Evil Hat is publishing the game, I'm not selling the game myself anymore. If you clicked the Buy Now button it should take you to a 404 error page, and it isn't available for purchase anywhere on the actual Itch page. Itch doesn't actually have a way of removing a price while leaving a page public. So the 999.99 price is just another way of preventing people from buying it here in case something else doesn't work. Stewpot will be available for purchase through Evil Hat on February 10th I believe, but yeah I don't have anything to do with actually selling the game anymore.

Thanks for the reply! And you are getting income from the sales, yeah?

yes I'm getting royalties!
